Uploading Medical History Items
- Navigate to Medical History in Kamana Profile
- Select(+)Add

- Upload file for the medical history entry. It’s best practice to upload one“record” at a time. Meaning if you have a single document that covers multiple medical history items(e.g. one form that shows multiple titers and a vaccination) - you should split the file into individual records, then upload them as separate medical history records in your Kamana profile.

- Example: Fit Test Result.pdf
- Select Next
- Select the Categoryof Medical Item from the drop down list
- Options include COVID-19, Drug Screen, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Influenza, Meningococcal, MMR(Measles, Mumps, and Rubella), Physical, Polio, Respirator Fit Test, Tdap(Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Acellular Pertussis), Tuberculosis, Varicella, and Vision Screening
- Then, select the Choice(Specific Medical History Item) from the drop down list
- Choices are based on the category selection. Ex. If Respirator Fit Test is selected as the category, the choices are Fit Test Questionnaire and Fit Test Results.
- Select Add Item

- Add Additional Documents or Medical Items for this medical history record if applicable
- Ex. Respirator Fit Test Questionnaire and Respirator Fit Test Results
- Enter Date Administered from the Calendar pop out or type the date in YYYY-MM-DD Format.

- Save Record

Archiving or Deleting Records
Medical History Attachments can be deleted within 15 minutes of creation. If outside of the 15 minute window, attachments can be archived.

Individual Medical History Items can also be archived and restored as needed.

To archive an entire Medical History Entry, archive the Medical History Items and Attachments.
Editing Medical History Entries
At this time, you are not able to edit medical history entries, but that will be coming soon! In the meantime, archive the entire Medical History Entry by archiving the Medical History Items and Attachments. Then, create a new Medical History Entry.