Once a Signature Request has been completed by the healthcare professional, the completed documents will be available for download. The sender of the request will be notified of the completed eSign Request based on their Notification Preferences.
Completed eSign Documents are able to be downloaded directly by clicking on the notification link which brings you to the eSignature Request Page.

Alternatively, you are able to access completed eSign Documents from the Talent Profile. Navigate to the Recent eSign Documents section of the talent profile and select the signature request that you would like to download.

Completed eSign Documents are able to be downloaded as a PDF or a ZIP file.
- As PDF will download the entire signature request as a single PDF.
- As Zipcan be used to download each document within the signature request as a separate document. This option may be used if you need to share a single document that was included within a template or set of templates.
- Clicking the As Zipbutton will present you with two options:
- Individual Documents(fastest) will download a zip file of each individual document without the original filenames in place. If you do not need the original filenames this will be the fastest way to download the set of documents as individual files.
- Restore Original Filenames will download a zip file of each individual document with the original filenames restored by the Kamana system. This is a two step process:
- Click on the Restore Original Filenames option. A‘Download Renamed Zip File’ button will populate directly below. This will take a few moments. There is not a'loading indicator' that shows anything is happening but rest assured clicking the button will start the process in the background.
- Click the‘Download Renamed Zip file’ button to download the zip file.
- Clicking the As Zipbutton will present you with two options: