Creating a New eSign Template
- Select eSign Templates from the Navigation Pane
- Click the (+) button to add a new eSign Template
- Create a descriptive Template Name for the document(s) included
- For Example:
- Use“Background Check Authorization” if creating a template for a single document requesting authorization to run a background check
- Remember: The template name must be unique and cannot be edited after the template has been prepared
- Select Continue to Step 2

Adding Documents to Template
- Select the(+) icon next to Documents to add a document to the template
- Browse for the file you would like to add on your device or drag and drop into the Choose File Field
- Remember:
- Ensure your documents are prepared and of high quality
- If adding multiple documents to the template, add them in the order in which you would like them to appear for signing
- It is strongly recommended that you utilize PDF files in templates. However, many file types are supported including: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .ppsx, .ppt, .pptx, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .html, and .gif. To use an unsupported file type, save a copy of the file as a .pdf
- Each file size must be 40MB or smaller.
- Repeat the file selection step to add additional documents to the template. Once you move to the Prepare step, additional documents cannot be added to the template.
- If necessary, make changes to your template name, and/or remove or add documents.
- The Signer Role field will default to Talent.
- At this time, Talent is the only available signer role.
- Select Prepare Template

Preparing an eSign Template
- Selecting the Prepare Template button will generate a pop-up window within your screen. This module is where you will create your fillable fields and signatures on your documents.
- Important: This window will only stay active and open for a maximum of 60-minutes. If preparing a complex template, you will want to select Create Template to save your work, and then modify the template to continue working.
- Click and drag a field type from the left column to the location on the document where you would like the healthcare professional to provide information.
Learn more about eSign Template Field Types and Settings.

After adding all fields to your template, we strongly recommend that you review each of the added fields to ensure that they are all assigned properly and each field setting is correct. Spending the time to perfect your templates is well worth the effort as well prepared templates will ensure a seamless onboarding experience for both your agency and the healthcare professional.
- Select Continue in the top right corner of the pop-up module
- Optionally, enter a Document Title and Message
- Document Titles and Messages will be used when sending a single template in a signature request. If you plan to commonly send this template with others, simply skip this step.
- Select Create Template
- During this time, a Preparing Template loading indicator will be displayed. The larger the template, the longer this will take to communicate the template details between Kamana and our eSign Provider.
Once the template has been finalized for use, the status will change from Ready to Available. Two new options will populate within the now green Template Status box.
- Inactive
- Selecting Inactive will move the template from the Available list to the Inactive list. When Inactive, the template will no longer be shown in the Template Selection List when creating a signature request.
- Modify
- Selecting Modify will allow you to make changes to the template and settings.
Your template has now been successfully created and you are ready to send a Send a Signature Request!